it annoys me how when you press tab after typing the title, it jumps down to the goddamn labels. what about the body of the post? i'm not sure what sort of labels i'm going to need until i'm done, assholes.
that said, the past few days have been quite eventful, to say the least, and in ways both expected and not. this whole wedding shit has been made out to be a big goddamn deal, and yet, the rehearsal dinner tonight was really anything but. as i described it earlier to my sister, i'm just doing and acting and looking like what everyone in the family wants me to. at this point, i don't give a shit. my hair is three inches shorter, my nails are manicured a nice girl shade of pale pink, sans french tips as my grandmother apparently finds them to be "wildly outdated", and per my mother's instructions, i can't be doing shots of vodka as it will result in my grandmother giving her shit. eh. the dinner started off quite awkwardly as my sister and i appeared to be the youngest, least trashy girls at the party of forty-five by quite a long shot, but we figured it out. i didn't much care for being hit on on two separate occasions, mostly because i made a goddamn effort not to look like the slutty, bisexual, drug addled cousin. perhaps it will be better tomorrow at the actual wedding. i don't really know why i care so much about looking like a good girl, but it has become strangely important.
after dinner, all of us young folks, meaning my siblings and my cousin marc, the "preacher", brent, and marc's best friend, patrick, all went out on the speed boat and just drifted around and shooting the shit. the sun was setting, it was about seventy five, and no one was on the lake, so it was quite pleasant. i forgot how much i like being on the lake in summer. at this point, i'm just sortof tired despite the fact that it's only eleven twenty yet. jaleesa is probably going crazy at demf right now. i hope so. though if i recall correctly, it ends quite early. whatever. i hope she got some attention modeling them clothes to make the steep entry fee worth her while.
after dinner, all of us young folks, meaning my siblings and my cousin marc, the "preacher", brent, and marc's best friend, patrick, all went out on the speed boat and just drifted around and shooting the shit. the sun was setting, it was about seventy five, and no one was on the lake, so it was quite pleasant. i forgot how much i like being on the lake in summer. at this point, i'm just sortof tired despite the fact that it's only eleven twenty yet. jaleesa is probably going crazy at demf right now. i hope so. though if i recall correctly, it ends quite early. whatever. i hope she got some attention modeling them clothes to make the steep entry fee worth her while.
for the past few days, i've been meaning to write an actually important, well as substantial as possible for me, i suppose, post, and just haven't gotten around to it. rather, it's not even that i'm too lazy, i'm just in a constant state of self-doubt and never know what is actually relevant to all y'all. it is, i guess. ehh, i'll reconsider tomorrow, tonight has been too long already considering last night...AHHH THE PLANTS!!!!