Guess I've got my first blog now. This is probably going to join the ranks of facebook and perezhilton in my group of time wasting websites, though I guess I don't actually have schoolwork to not be doing anymore...
Anyways, at the moment, dan and I are in the upper peninsula, despite Chanel's warning to watch out for the Nazi people. We've been in the car for around eight hours already and probably have about as many to go. I just saw a horse eating some grass out the window. Did any of you know that wisconsiners fucking love PBR? I swear to god, every bar we drove by on the slow-ass country freeway had a light up pbr sign outside. Some bitch in a truck just gave us both a pity look. I mean, we are dirty and I'm wearing the brodyke shirt, but certainly not pity worthy. This has been am interesting trip, to say the least, but I think what best sums it up is that st Olaf and macalester parties suck. A lot. Woops. Regardless, we have taken a shit ton of pictures and probably did more interesting things than we would have at home. Okay, bye

-- Post From My iPhone
haha accumulated some shit. GOOD P"UN I am drunk off of my nonna lina's homemade wine