Monday, May 4, 2009


Dan and I got into Ann Arbor roundabout 6:30 this morning, a mere, oh, six hours later than we had planned.  fuck capitalizing.  anyways, we had made it all the way across the u.p. by midnight and stopped at this great truck stop diner to eat some food and drink some coffee.  even though the parents were pushing for us to get a motel room (they creep me out), i decided that i was fine to keep driving since we were only four and a half hours from ann arbor.  it would not have been an unfortunate decision had there not been fucking deer all over the side of the road, just waiting, i swear to god, to jump out and kill us.  after seeing number nine (and seeing even fewer cars), i started shouting FUCK THIS FUCK THIS.  dan did not acknowledge it.  so we stopped at a rest stop for a little while and kept going, only to encounter another SEVENTEEN deer.  finally, they were gone and i was okay.

rolling into town so early is really bizarre.  with the sort of flat light before the sun has truly come up and the streets empty, ann arbor is so different.  fuck.  i just realized i have no money.  or food, for that matter.

the real issue at hand right now is that i'm sitting in the psych atrium mooching their wifi because i don't want to unpack my car or go look for a job or do anything.  my best accomplishments in the two hours since i've been up are to shower and pick up your prints, mary.  i'm trying to decide whether i can legitimately drive my car to bloomfield hills entirely full, like entirely, without getting arrested.  i just need to get to my grandparents house in the next couple of days to ask my grandfather to help me build a chicken coop for those dirty animals.  i was thinking, do chickens need sunlight?  because they're getting all big and not cute and actual chicken like, i have to leave a flattened box on top so they don't hop out and shit all over the place, but it seems that they could probably benefit from being outside or something.  hmm.  i think that's the least of my concerns at the moment.  alright, i just decided, i'm not going to unpack that shit right this second. nope.  won't do it.  can't nobody make me. 

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